Friday, September 4, 2009

Great Advice on Earning an AdvoCare Rookie Bonus!

Advice on Earning a Rookie Bonus from Jason PannellShare
Yesterday at 11:48pm
Hey guys!

Do you know that each of you can earn a ROOKIE BONUS? We have earned 7 of them!!! There is nothing about us as people that is any different from any of you!

However, the difference I notice was in our ability to connect Crystal with many of you ASAP. We had no idea what we were doing and we trusted her because of her track record and the backing of the company.

If you want a bonus, you are going to have to do several things.

1.) Trust us.
We WANT to help you but we cant if you dont trust us enough to speak with strength, conviction and knowledge about AdvoCare to the people you want to help. But we cant if you dont connect us.

2.) Connect us.
Stop overthinking this. Call them up and say, "Hey_________! Listen, I am so excited! I have found a way to earn some extra income and shed a few lbs with a great company called Advocare! Im brand new so I dont know a lot but I want you to talk to my friend Jason/Angela! They are helping me and you have GOT to hear there story!!! Hang on, let me get them on the phone..."
Something along those lines will help you connect with us. But you must do it within the first 30-45 seconds of the call/meeting.

3.) Employ us.
We are your employees. Keep us busy. The more people we can talk to for you the better chance you have of building a team. Once you have connected them to us, we take over and you move on to the next person. If you dont have anyone to talk to today, consider yourselves unemployed.

Lets start today!!!! I will be calling you religiously for the next two weeks. if you don't want me to, just say so. But Crystal was with us every step of the way and we are committed to doing the same with you!!!

Jason Pannell

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